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Screenshots of "Dark Empire's" Units
New International Communist Soviet Space Force Units
Screenshots of "Dark Empire's" Units
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The Braddock New Regime Empire Units



The Braddock New Regime Empire "Cutlass" Hovertank (above screenshot) replace's the old ISDF  Sabre as the main battle tank in Braddocks army, although a new version of the Sabre is expected to be of the drawing board soon, with extra capabiltilies such as  a Ground to air S.A.M and Dumbfire Rock or Guided Missile Hardpoints, points to a new superb main battle tank to dominate the battlefield , with its bigger brother, the new Destroyer (2nd screenshot) Hovercraft Tank, a new trend of late is to use an old Earth I nvention of the Hovercraft for giant and fast tanks, capable of delivering a very heavy and extra punch, especially to harded targets such as Buildings , especially Gun towers.
 With these two new units, the self proclaimed Emperor Braddock announces his intention to dominate the Sol solar systema and and any surrounding solar systema to make Himself Earth's first Intergalaxtic Emperor

New International Communist Soviet Space Force Units up on here soon